
Divisional Tents

Mike and Sally Anderson have very generously offered to bring up team tents on Friday evening before Divisionals when they are dropping off the fans and generators. All items dropped off will be locked in on the Canebrake property and monitored. It is very hectic on Saturday morning with 5 teams dropping kids off and setting up tent areas. If you would like your tent brought up early, please have it to Sally and Mike by tomorrow evening! (123 Gail right next to KW pool)

Saturday Divisionals is a long Hot day. Team needs to arrive by 7:30 for warmups, Officials meeting at 8:15, Parade at 8:45, followed by prayer, anthem, and meet start at 9am. The meet is projected to last til almost 3:30. Be prepared to be in the sun for a long time. Sunblock and lots of water! We need as many tents as possible to keep the kids out of the sun! Please bring one if you have one!

Info about the meet will be posted as soon as we have it from the hosting team


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