2024 Practice Schedule
This year there has been a change to our practice schedule due to the growing size of our team! Please read carefully through the changes!
5/7 Tues -6pm-7pm Meet the team/Parent Meeting/All ages dry practice Knollwood pool yard
5/8 Wed -6pm-7pm 10 & under Dry practice -Knollwood
5/9 Thurs -6pm-7pm 11 & up Dry practice -Knollwood
5/13-5/17 Planter Row Pool
5:30pm-6:30pm 10 & under
6:30pm-7:30pm 11 & up
5/20-5/22 Knollwood Pool
5:30pm-6:30pm 10 & under
6:30pm-7:30pm 11 & up
5/28-6/28 Due to the number of athletes, please attend only one practice per day!
M/T/W 8:30-9:30am 10 & under Planters Row
10am-11am 11 & up Knollwood
7pm-8pm All ages that could not attend AM practice Knollwood
Thur 9:30am-11am All ages meet prep Knollwood
Fri 10am-11am All ages Ribbons/Fun swim Knollwood