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Volunteer Position Descriptions

It is a KWPR requirement that every family commit to work at every meet. Requirements are: one meet half per parent (a single parent family must commit to one half per meet, a two-parent family must commit to two halves – one parent may work both halves or each parent may work one half each). Parents are required to time, score, and officiate swim meets. We may not use you the entire meet but we require you to be available. Parents are also required assist with set up and tear down for home meets and fill worker positions for away meets.

Sign-ups will be located on the KWPR website.

On-deck Volunteering

The following roles are considered on-deck volunteering and need to be supplied by our team to efficiently run a swim meet: (per half unless otherwise noted):

Require Classroom certifications each year:

1 - Referee – works entire meet (Classroom Training & Online Test Required) – The Referee is responsible for enforcing the rules, settling disputes between coaches and other officials and calling swimmers to their respective blocks.

1 - Starter – works entire meet (Classroom Training & Online Test Required) – The Starter is responsible for sending swimmers off the block and making sure each swimmer leaves on time. The starter controls the swimmers from the time the referee turns them over to when the race begins. The Starter also sets the pace of the meet.

6 - Stroke & Turn Judge (Classroom Training & Online Test Required) - The Stroke & Turn Official is responsible for knowing the rules for each stroke. At a swim meet the Stroke & Turn Official observes the swimmer(s) in their lanes to ensure strokes are properly executed.

1 - Head Clerk of Course – works entire meet (Classroom Training & Online Test Required) - The Clerk of Course oversees the Clerk of Course/Marshaling area where swimmers report prior to their event. The Clerks of Course will check in swimmers as they report to a designated area. The Clerks of Course will line up the swimmers in order and see that they report to their lanes in an orderly and timely fashion. The Clerk of Course works with Tent Parents to call the events so that the swimmers can report to the Clerk of Course with adequate time prior to an event. The Clerk of Course determines if there is a need to combine heats and reports such to the Starter. (The majority of this job is performed standing)

5 - Clerk of Course (Classroom Training & Online Test Required) – Assists Head Clerk of Course

1 - Computer – works entire meet (Classroom Training & Online Test Required) - Responsible for entering data from time cards and verifying data entered.

1+ - Coaches - Works during all practices, and entire meet (Classroom Training & Online Test Required) Works with your child to develop water safety and stroke development. (only some potions are paid)

Require Online test:

4 - Runner (Online Test Required) - The main job of a Runner is to move the heat cards from the Timers to Records. The other job of a Runner is to move the heat cards from the swimmers to the other end of the pool for the 8&U and 9&10 age groups when they swim 25 meter events. [everyone should take test]

1 - Chief Timer – works entire meet (Online Test Required) - The Chief Timer is responsible for ensuring proper timing methods are being followed at swim meets and helping to make sure your team has an ample number of trained timers available for swim meets. They also assist the starter and referee by making sure all timers are ready prior to the start of any race.

14 - Timer (Online Test Required) - In any swim meet, a timer operates a stopwatch to “time” the swimmer in their lane. Their times shall be recorded on the swimmer’s entry card for each event. [everyone should take test]

2 - Ribbons (Online Test Required) - In any dual, tri or divisional swim meet, a work area is set-up and designated “Ribbons”. Ribbons is responsible for correctly sorting and labeling individual award ribbons.

Jobs that do not require online tests:

2 - Head Tent Parents/4 - Tent Parents - Supervises the waiting area (tent) during meets, marks arms of swimmers with event/heat/lane prior to meet, keeps track of swimmers - as best as they reasonably can - between events, and gets swimmers to the ready bench on time with caps and goggles. It is preferred that several parents share this job.

4 - Concessions (Home Meets Only) - This is an important fund raiser for the team, as we raise money for end-of-the-season awards and other extras this way. You get to interact a lot with both kids and parents and can always get away to watch your child swim.

2 - Parking Attendant (Home Meets Only) - Directs traffic and parking in the parking areas before the start of the meet.

1 - SwimTUIT Attendant (Home Meets Only) - New in 2019, this person will hand out a token to each and every swimmer (any team) that finishes their heat first. This TUIT can be exchanged for a surpise gift/prize.

We also have Committees:  These are independent from the meet.  They are interests that you chose at registration and are a mix of us all.  They foster fun, and unity.  You can always join a committee.

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